Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Valentines Banquet

Come join in the fun on Valentines Day in Wilson Hall (Friday, February 14, 7PM).  The banquet will be served by our young people.  Guests--singles and couples--age 19 and up are invited.  There is no charge, but you will have the opportunity to make a donation to the Summer Camp Scholarship Fund for our servers.  Childcare is provided for those age 12 and under.  A snack will be provided, but they should eat before they come.  Please RSVP for reservations to including your menu choice of lasagna or chicken alfredo and childcare needs for # of 1-4 year olds and # of 5-12 year olds by Sunday, February 9.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday evening, January 26, we met for dinner and our Annual Meeting.  We talked from Titus 2:11-15 about first things:  Our Simple Faith; Our Pilgrim Character; Our Blessed Hope.  John Parish and David Mills were added to our Board of Elders (with Bill Moss, Steve Dee, and Gary Starbuck continuing terms).  Vinnie Fasano, Jason Henry, Harvey Matheny, and Daniel Jones, Jr. joined John Amagliani on the Board of Deacons.  We talked about ways we want to do God's business in better ways during 2014, and we shared concerns.  The meeting ended with a time of prayer and fresh commitment to serving God who always provides. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let the Smack Talk Begin! Men's Chili Cook Off Coming

MEN!  The coveted "You Nailed It! Award" is up for grabs once again.  Sunday evening, February 9, 5:30PM, is the deadline to have your best efforts at the best chili ever sitting on the judges table in Wilson Hall.  The Annual Men's Chili Cook Off is the big event of the winter.  Ladies, you can help by bringing foods that go well with chili.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tennessee Legislative Briefing

David Fowler of Family Action Counsel of Tennessee invites you to a State 
Legislative Briefing on Thursday, January 30, 7PM, at The Great Hall, 1900 
Germantown Road.  Significant issues of moral concern will be a part of the 
upcoming legislative session in Nashville.  Be informed citizens.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's Game On!

Friday, January 10, is game night for those aged 19 and up.  Come out for a good time of
fellowship around the tables in Wilson Hall.  Bring something for dinner on a Mexican theme.
The fun starts at 7PM and ends when you are ready to head home.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sunday Nights: Laws of the Harvest

We start 2014 with a Sunday night study of seven biblical laws related to seeing a spiritual harvest in our lives.  This series is based on the book Down to Earth by John W. 
Lawrence, pastor of Open Door from 1966 to 1973.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Annual Congregational Meeting & Dinner

Our Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 26, 6PM, in Wilson Hall.  A covered-dish dinner will start the evening.  Copies of the proposed budget and nominations for elders and deacons are available to church members in anticipation of the meeting.  Articles for the Annual Meeting should be submitted (electronically if possible) to the church office by January 20.

Downline Summits

The Men's Summit is January31-February 1 (Friday evening & all day Saturday).  The Women's Summit is February 28-March 1.  Contact the church office to get a special rate on tickets.

AWANA Is Back!

Our AWANA Club begins the New Year on Sunday, January 5.  From 5:30-7PM, young people from preschool through high school will enjoy games and Bible-based learning under the supervision of the best leaders around.  Do you know a child who needs to be a part of this special time?