Thursday, July 31, 2014


Our Annual Labor Day Picnic at the home of John and Jean Parish will begin at noon.  Bring enough food for your family and some guests.  We will eat at 1PM, then the afternoon is free for swimming, volleyball, and other activities.  Drinks, plates, and utensils are provided.  Labor Day is September 1.

Ladies Fun Night Out

Friday, August 22, 6:30PM, is the time for a Ladies Fun Night Out at the church.  Bring a dish to share for dinner and plan to help out with some sewing and craft projects.  Talk with Bethany Henry for more information.  This is for ladies age 19 and up.

LeaderTreks Winding Up a Great Summer

On August 9, the 12th LeaderTreks group will round out our year of ministering together in 2014.  A dozen youth groups from around the US and beyond have been trained in leadership skills and Bible knowledge, completed numerous work projects in our community, done outreach, and brought life and light to Midtown Memphis.  Lots of laughter, good times of fellowship at the weekly cookouts, and opportunities to get to know some special people make this partnership a big win for all concerned.  They will be back next spring!


The Wednesday morning Community Bible Class takes the month of August off.  It will begin with a new study on September 10 at 10:45AM.


We will publish an updated Church Directory in early September.  Let us know of any changes.  If you have not been included in the past but would like to be, fill out an update form soon.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Ladies Retreat

Our Ladies Tuesday Night Bible Study is on retreat July 18-20 at Greer’s Ferry 
Lake in Arkansas.

Camp CoBeAc

Our young people had a great week at Camp CoBeAc in Houghton Lake, Michigan.  
Thank you to all who contributed to make this trip possible.  You can check out 
some photos on the bulletin board.  Come to the LeaderTreks Cookout at Open Door on Thursday, July 24, for Camp Night to hear more.

Bible Study Hour News

Micah Ehmke is currently teaching Ephesians during the Bible Study Hour.  The 
class meets in room 3, Sundays at 9:30 AM.