Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Child Is Born!

Our congratulations to Philip and Bethany on the safe arrival of William Caleb Sutherland.  He was born on Thursday, December 4, at 9:54AM.  William weighed 7lb. 15oz. and measured 21 inches long.  Mom and baby are both home and doing well.

Celebrate the New Year!

People celebrate the coming of a new year in many ways.  Our church family likes to spend the evening enjoying fellowship, food, games, and then use the last moments of the year for a time of sharing and prayer.  Bring your favorite board games, leftover holiday snacks, and take part.  Starts at 7PM on December 31.  Ends at 12:05AM on January 1.

Candlelight Carols

Next Sunday evening is our Annual Candlelight Carols.  This is an evening filled with the music of Christmas.  Come join us at 6PM.  Stay for a time of refreshments and fellowship following the service.

Ministry and Dentistry

Steve and Ruth Porter (and Julie), our SIM missionaries, will return to Nigeria on December 28.  Pray for safe travels and a smooth transition back into ministry.  They will have much to do restarting the dental clinic, distributing grain to widows in Miango, and discipling young leaders for the church in Nigeria.

Invest in Eternally Significant Things!

Anna Matheny will be doing an internship in Kenya from January through July of 2015.  She is currently raising funds for her time of ministry.  The organization is called Choose to Invest.  You can participate by going online at or by marking your gift through Open Door to “Anna-Kenya.”


Our AWANA Club began in 1982.  It's a weekly club for young people from preschool through high school, meeting on Sunday evenings during the school year.  We are thankful for the many faithful leaders who give of their time to make it successful and meaningful.  AWANA resumes on January 4, 2015, at 5:30PM.