Saturday, January 24, 2015


Tiny Sue Cooper passed into the Lord’s presence on Friday, January 16, three days before her 97th birthday. She was preceded in death by her husband of 75 years, Howard. The Coopers joined Open Door Bible Church on June 26, 1955.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Men's Chili Cook Off

The 2015 Open Door Men’s Chili Cook Off is coming!  Sunday night, February 15, is the big night.  For the past two years, young whippersnappers have carried away the coveted “You Nailed it!” Silver Spike Award.  Who will be victorious this time?

Seasoned Saints

A number of years ago, we had a group called Seasoned Saints here at Open Door.  It was an opportunity for informal fellowship among the more senior members of our congregation.  If you would like to be a part of the first re-gathering of this group, plan to be in Wilson Hall Thursday, January 29, 1-4PM.  Shirl LaVoice is organizing the time.  She’s planning snacks, a Christian film, and some warm fellowship.  Contact us for more information.  This could become a monthly event!

VECA Annual Meeting at Open Door

Our neighborhood association, VECA, will hold their Annual Meeting here at Open Door this Saturday.  The morning includes a Breakfast Potluck at 9AM followed by the meeting at 10AM.  If you live in the VECA area or just want to help out, come join us!