Tuesday, March 24, 2015

LeaderTreks at Open Door

The first of two weeks of spring break ministry with LeaderTreks at Open Door took place March 15-21.  We hosted a youth group from Texas, and they invested a week here doing a work project, serving, and learning about outreach and leadership.  LeaderTreks staff Bryce, Josh, and Dan did a great job leading this time.  Week #2 is March 29-April 4.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mrs. Lee Turns 99

Lillian Lee was a part of Open Door many years ago.  Her 99th birthday is April 14.  You can send her a card at:  Emeritus at Eastman Estates; 292 0 N. Eastman Road; Longview, TX 75605

Easter Celebration!

Join us Easter Sunday morning as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ together.  Breakfast will be served in Wilson Hall at 8:30AM followed by a combined Bible Study Hour (Junior High and up) at 9:30AM and worship at 10:45AM.  Please sign the list in the hallway if you plan to attend.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Our 2015 Scripture Memory Challenge will involve the first 12 verses of The Navigators Topical Memory System.  You can pick up verse cards today.  Choose your preferred version, and memorize them: topic, reference, verse, and reference.


Everyone is invited to a Friendship Banquet hosted by the DoorKeepers (the youth of Open Door) which has been rescheduled for Friday, April 10, at 6:30PM. The menu is a choice of spaghetti and meatballs or four cheese chicken Alfredo with salad, bread, and dessert.  The banquet is for those age 19 and up. Childcare and a snack will be provided for children under the age of 12.  Reservations are required.  Please fill out the form found in your bulletin if you plan to attend (even if you filled one out for the earlier date).  This event will be the DoorKeepers first fundraiser for their trip to Camp CoBeAc in June.  Come out for a good time of food and fellowship and plan to make a donation.