Monday, September 28, 2015

Community Bible Study

Wednesdays at 10:45AM, there's a Bible study in our Fellowship Hall.  It's taught by our pastor, Gary Starbuck, and the class includes people from a variety of churches.  The current study is on the Book of Revelation.  Everyone is welcome.

AWANA Club -- Sundays 5:30-7PM

Our club for children age 2 through grade 12 meets weekly at Open Door.  Challenging Bible studies, Scripture memory, fun games, and great friendships make AWANA a valued and productive ministry.  Be there at 5:50PM this week!

Fall Festival is November 1st

Join us for Open Door's Fall Festival on Sunday night, November 1st.  There will be games, candy, a cake walk, a camp fire, and lots more.  Costumes are encouraged.  (We ask that occult themes be avoided.)

Operation Christmas Child

Do you have any empty shoeboxes lying around the house?  Bring them to church.  The DoorKeepers are preparing to pack shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child again in November.  They can also use boys t-shirts, bar soap, washcloths, small flashlights with batteries, soccer balls, and ball pumps.  Talk to Bethany to find out more about how you can help or to donate to the shipping costs.

Myron Harrison with the Lord

Myron Harrison passed into the presence of the Lord on September 9.  They worked  with OMF in The Philippines for 40 years, mentoring Filipino ministry leaders and serving the Christian community there and around the world in many ways.  Mike and Betty were married for 51 years.  Pray for Betty and the family.