Saturday, April 23, 2016


Gil NgolĂ© invites you to the 66th Commencement Ceremony of Memphis College of Art on Saturday, May 14, 2016, 10AM, on the South Lawn of Rust Hall at Overton Park.  A reception will follow.

Faith Heritage Christian Academy announces the graduation ceremony of their on-campus and homeschool seniors.  Sara LaVoice and Lamar Matheny invite you to their commencement on May 20th at 7:00PM at First Baptist Church, 5010 West Union Road, Millington, TN.

Nathaniel Henry invites you to celebrate with him at his graduation from Central Baptist School on May 27 at 7PM.  The school is located at 5470 Raleigh LaGrange, Memphis.


Our Annual Youth Sunday is May 1.  Come out to enjoy a program and testimonies from our young people, and plan to stay for a tasty lunch provided by our young people and their families. Please sign up so we know how many to expect for lunch.  Donations for their summer trip to Camp CoBeAc will be accepted.

Friday, April 15, 2016


Congratulations to Doran Shafer, T-n-T Clubber of the Month for February and March.  AWANA has almost wrapped up the 2015-16 school year.  Young people, it’s time to finish those books.  Our final club night is May 1.  The AWANA Awards Banquet is Sunday night, May 15.


Today is Stand with the Persecuted Sunday.  We are called to remember fellow believers who are imprisoned or otherwise mistreated because of their faith.  Each day, 322 Christians are martyred, 214 churches and Christian properties are destroyed, and 722 acts of violence are committed against Christians.  Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, Pakistan, North Korea, Nigeria, and Somalia are among the nations most affected.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Church Workday

A church workday is planned for Saturday, April 30.  Join us for a fun and productive time as we do some spring cleaning and fixing.

The Amazing Race

Our fourth annual Amazing Race for the DoorKeepers who regularly attend Wednesday night Bible study or AWANA is coming soon.  Talk to Bethany if you would like to help out.

2016 Scripture Memory Challenge

Our Scripture Memory Challenge for 2016 is to learn the 12 verses on salvation from the Topical Memory System.  Choose your preferred translation, and learn them using topic, reference, verse, and reference.  Study cards for KJV or NASV are available on the hallway table.  Deadline is May 15.