Thursday, December 21, 2017
New Year's Eve Celebration
Join us at the church from 7PM, December 31, 2017, to 12:05AM January 1, 2018, for a time of games, snacks, sharing, and prayer as we welcome in the New Year together. Everyone is welcome!
Monday, November 27, 2017
Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year. We will have a service from 5-6PM, allowing time for families to attend before heading home for their own celebrations. Come if you can!
Annual Candlelight Carols
Join us Sunday night at 6PM on December 17 for Candlelight Carols. This is a joyous time with lots of singing and celebration of the birth of our Savior. Bring some cookies or snacks for the fellowship time that will follow the service.
Missions Focus Sunday Nights
On November 12, we welcomed a young couple who are heading overseas to minister in a muslim region in southeast Asia. The exciting part is they are from Honduras! Pat and Ann Carolyn Davie, from Open Door, invested nine years of their lives there.
Then, on November 26, William and Grace Reeves were with us. Open Door has supported their ministry with Rural American Mission in rural West Virginia for 45 years. We also heard from Thomas and Susan Foy. Thomas is the new director of RAM. Open Door was Susan's home church during her college years, and they were married here back in 1984.
Multi-generational ministry!
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Join us on Sunday evening at 5:30PM for our Annual Thanksgiving Feast. The program will entirely consist of people sharing their thankfulness for God's rich blessings. Bring traditional Thanksgiving foods to share. Or just come. Come hungry. Come thankful. We will meet in Wilson Hall (the fellowship hall). See you there!
Monday, October 9, 2017
Anna's Getting Married!
Ladies, You are invited to a wedding shower for Anna Matheny on Saturday, October 28 at noon at the home of Kathryn Moss, 4010 Davies Manor Drive, Bartlett. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP to Donna LaCroix, 901-896-6703 or
Denise Flores is Moving Away
Good-bye Memphis; Hello Florida! We will be having a farewell fellowship lunch for Denise Flores before she and Eddie move to Florida at the end of the month. We will assemble in the fellowship hall on Saturday, October 21 at 1PM to express our appreciation of her and say farewell. Talk to Shirl LaVoice if you would like to help with the event.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Tuesday Night Bible Study
Tuesday nights at Open Door, a group of ladies gather for Bible study. This fall they are using Robertson McQuilken's Life in the Spirit to guide their discussion. Newcomers are always welcome. Meet in Wilson Hall ("The Big Room").
Monday, October 2, 2017
Saturday, September 16, 2017
The Sunday morning sermon series this fall takes a look at the Book of Ecclesiastes. If the thought of living the life of faith sounds a bit too daunting, what other options exist? There are plenty of half measures, alternative plans designed to make life meaningful. None of them works. Take it from a guy who tried them all. Join us Sundays at 10:45AM to learn the easy way. Or try it yourself, and learn the same lesson the hard way.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Our Couples Fellowship will be meeting on September 29 at the home of Michael and Shirl LaVoice, 4386 Ridge Bay Cove, Millington. The theme for dinner is Fall Favorites. Come out for a good time of fellowship and a time of learning about building a godly legady from Dr. James Dobson. to sign up. (coordinator: Henry / password: couples)
Our Ladies Bible Study will begin their fall study, based on Life in the Spirit by Robertson McQuilkin, this Tuesday, September 19. This group meets each Tuesday evening, 6:45PM, at the church. Childcare is available. See Donna LaCroix for more information.
We will be having a special night at Open Door Sunday, September 24, 6PM. AWANA will begin as usual at 5:30PM. All clubbers from T-n-T and up will start the evening with handbook time and then join the adults in the auditorium to view Facing Darkness, the story of Dr. Kent Brantly, a Samaritan’s Purse doctor who contracted the Ebola virus while fighting the pandemic in West Africa. Come out to see this incredible story of faith, determination, prayer, and a miracle.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Friday, August 11, come watch this true story. See it at Open Door Bible Church. 7PM.
A hard-driving journalist, Lee Strobel was exactly where he expected to be at work: on top. His award-winning investigative reporting recently earned him a promotion to legal editor at the Chicago Tribune. But things weren’t going nearly as well at home where his wife Leslie’s newfound faith in Christ went against everything Lee believed—or didn’t believe—as an avowed atheist.
Utilizing his journalistic and legal training, Lee begins a quest to debunk the claims of Christianity in order to save his crumbling marriage. Chasing down the biggest story of his career, Lee comes face-to-face with unexpected results that could change everything he knows to be true.
A hard-driving journalist, Lee Strobel was exactly where he expected to be at work: on top. His award-winning investigative reporting recently earned him a promotion to legal editor at the Chicago Tribune. But things weren’t going nearly as well at home where his wife Leslie’s newfound faith in Christ went against everything Lee believed—or didn’t believe—as an avowed atheist.
Utilizing his journalistic and legal training, Lee begins a quest to debunk the claims of Christianity in order to save his crumbling marriage. Chasing down the biggest story of his career, Lee comes face-to-face with unexpected results that could change everything he knows to be true.
AWANA’s Opening Night is Sunday, August 27. This is our club for young people from age 2 through high school. If you would like to help in AWANA this year, let Jason Henry know.
First Nepali Church of Memphis
The First Nepali Church of Memphis is now meeting at Open Door on Sunday afternoons. Under the leadership of Bikram Ranapheli, this congregation ministers to the immigrant population who have come to our city from Nepal. Pray for their good success.
Friday, April 21, 2017
2017 Scripture Memory Challenge
Learn the 12 passages from the Navigators Topical Memory System titled "Rely on God's Resources." Choose your preferred translation, learn them with Topic, Reference, Verse, and Reference (again). Here's the list:
- His Spirit 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 2:12
- His Strength Isaiah 41:10 and Philippians 4:13
- His Faithfulness Lamentations 3:22-23 and Numbers 23:19
- His Peace Isaiah 26:3 and 1 Peter 5:7
- His Provision Romans 8:32 and Philippians 4:19
- His Help in Temptation Hebrews 2:18 and Psalm 119:9, 11
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Our Seasoned Saints will be meeting here at the church for a time of fellowship and a good meal on Thursday, April 27. If you’re a seasoned saint, come join in on the fun.
Lamar Matheny is our newest member! He trusted Christ back in 2003 and has been an important part of our fellowship all his life. While church membership won’t get you to heaven, it is a way to declare your commitment to the local body of believers and to participate directly in the work that we do here at Open Door. We are thankful for Lamar and his desire to honor the Lord in his life.
Couples Fellowship for the month of April will be an activity. We will be meeting at Andy B’s, 6276 Stage Road, Bartlett, for some bowling and then going out for dessert. Cost for bowling is $20 per couple plus shoe rental of $3.25 if needed. Bowling money needs to be turned in to Bethany Henry by next Sunday, April 23, to reserve lanes.
V&E ArtWalk
NOTE: The ArtWalk has been moved to Sunday afternoon due to weather on Saturday.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Join us Easter Sunday morning as we set our hearts on the message of victory the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ brings.
8:30AM Breakfast -- We will meet in Wilson Hall (aka the fellowship hall) for a big breakfast. Everything is provided. You just need to show up.
9:30AM Our Bible Study Hour groups (junior high and up) will view and discuss Paul L. Maier's The Week that Changed the World: A Historian Looks at Easter. This documentary presents a step-by-step look at the events of Holy Week, shedding light on the key players, unravelling the political intrigue, and answering long-standing questions about what happened and why.
10:45AM Gather in the auditorium for a time of worship and celebration.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Men's Chili Cook Off -- February 12th!
The Annual
Men’s Chili Cook Off is coming soon!
February 12 is the big night.
Who will take home the coveted Silver Spike “You Nailed It!” Award for
2017? Ladies will be asked to
bring condiments, sides, and desserts to complement the chili. Entries should be on the tables by
5:30PM. Dinner starts at 6PM.
What if you spent more time memorizing Scripture than you
spent on Facebook? Refresh your
mind by taking the 2017 Scripture Memory Challenge. Between now and June 4, store God’s Word in your heart!
His Spirit--1 Corinthians 3:16
& 1 Corinthians 2:12
His Strength—Isaiah 41:10 & Philippians. 4:13
Faithfulness—Lamentations. 3:22-23 & Numbers 23:19
His Peace—Isaiah 26:3 & 1 Peter. 5:7
His Provision—Romans. 8:32 & Philippians 4:19
His Help In Temptation—Hebrews 2:18 & Psalm 119:9, 11
Thursday, January 19, 2017
January 22 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, marking 44 years since the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down by the Supreme Court. Pray that God would do a mighty work in our nation in 2017, drawing us back to an understanding that every human life is precious; that each of us is valuable because we are stamped with the image of God.
2017 Scripture Memory Challenge
The Scripture Memory Challenge is on! Learn the 12 verses from the Navigator Topical Memory System’s “Rely on God’s Resources” section C. Verse cards are available. Choose your preferred translation, and get started today. The goal is to learn all 12 with topic and reference. Transform your mind by the power of God’s Word!
Annual Congregational Meeting
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be January 29, 6PM. A covered dish dinner at 6PM will be followed by the meeting. Members should have already received information regarding the agenda and proposed budget for 2017. Articles for the Annual Report can be emailed to:
The Fear That Ends All Fears
Lamar Matheny delivered the message on Sunday morning, January 15. A student at The University of Memphis, Lamar grew up at Open Door. The sermon is available on this website. Click on the "Sermons" tab, and look for The Fear That Ends All Fears."
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