Join us at 7PM at the church for a fun, casual time of fellowship. Bring your favorite board games and snacks. We will spend the final moments of 2018 and the first few moments of 2019 sharing about God's goodness and praying for the year ahead. See you there!
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
The Sunday night before Christmas, December 23, is your opportunity to celebrate Christ's birth with the church family at Candlelight Carols. It will be an evening of song and Scripture, worship and wonder. Following the service at 6PM, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and fellowship. Plan to attend. Invite friends and family!
The Couples Fellowship Christmas Party will be held at the home of Jason and Bethany Henry, 103 Vine Grove Lane, Cordova, on Saturday, December 8, starting at 5PM. Plan to bring some party food to share as we look back at God’s goodness to us over the past year and celebrate the birth of our Savior. You can sign up at Each couple is asked to donate two $5-$10 gift cards for use in a Christmas game.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
THANKSGIVING FEAST -- Sunday, November 18, 5PM
Join us Sunday, November 18, at 5PM for a Thanksgiving Feast. The program consists mainly of people sharing about God's goodness. Psalm 9:1 says "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of Your wonders."
Thursday, September 13, 2018
COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY -- Wednesday Mornings
Our Community Bible Study class will resume its meetings this Wednesday, September 12, at 10:45AM. The group will be studying the book of 1 Peter this fall. Come early for refreshments and fellowship.
The fall session of Ladies Bible Study will begin next Tuesday, September 18 at 6:45PM. They will be continuing their study of Genesis with Keeping Your Focus when Your Dreams Are Shattered—A Study on Joseph.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Ladies! You are invited to a Bridal Shower honoring Maddie Lattimore on Saturday, September 1, 11:30AM, in Wilson Hall at Open Door. Lunch will be served. Ryan and Maddie are registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Bring food, bring friends, and come join us for a picnic at the home of John and Jean Parish. Parking in the back (end of their driveway). Come at noon. We'll eat at 1PM. Pool will be open. See you there!
Monday, August 6, 2018
Our worship time on Sunday morning, August 17, will include a baptismal service. If you have trusted Christ but have never been baptized, you are encouraged to talk with Pastor Gary. Baptism is an act of obedience, symbolizing the believer’s faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Couples Fellowship in August
This month's gathering is at the home of Daniel and Brandy Blackburn on SATURDAY, August 25, at 5:30PM. Theme for the dinner is Asian, and we will be discussing chapter 6 of the book.
AWANA Kicks Off Another Year on August 19!
Our weekly club for young people from age 2 through 12th grade begins a brand new year on Sunday night, August 19. The club goes from 5:30-7PM, and there is a group for every age. The evening includes Bible study, discipleship, and games. Everyone is invited!
Sunday night, August 5, 6PM
Bring some salad fixings and come learn about our missionaries and how we can pray for, reach out to, and encourage them.
Bring some salad fixings and come learn about our missionaries and how we can pray for, reach out to, and encourage them.
Monday, July 23, 2018
LeaderTreks Summer at Open Door
Open Door hosted eight different youth groups, one each week during June and July who came for an urban ministry experience led by LeaderTreks. This is a student leadership development ministry using trips, innovative training, and biblical curriculum to help young people identify and develop their personal leadership skills. Lauren Newman and Cassidy Fox were the LT staff members this year. We are so thankful to be a part of this ministry. Each Thursday, the church has been invited to enjoy a cookout and meet the students whose lives are being enhanced by their time in Memphis.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Baptism -- April 22, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Monday, April 2, 2018
The 21st Annual Charles Finney Memorial Ride is a bicycle race organized by Memphis Hightailers Bicycle Club to honor their founder. The event benefits the Church Health Center, now located in Crosstown Concourse. The ride begins at 8AM on Saturday, April 14, at the Concourse Plaza. Riders can choose 19, 36, or 63 miles. Appropriately enough, they will pass directly by Open Door. Paw Paw & Granny (Juanita) Finney remain the most colorful members our church has ever known. They brightened our lives in a multitude of ways. If you would like to volunteer at the registration table, water stations, or hospitality table let me know or contact:
AWANA in the Home Stretch!
AWANA, our weekly club for young people from age two through high school, will finish out the school year on May 6. It meets Sunday nights, 5:30-7PM. The AWANA Awards Banquet will take place on May 20. If you are participating in this year’s Scripture Memory Challenge, that is the deadline for completion.
Baptismal Service -- April 22
A baptismal service is scheduled for the Sunday morning service on April 22. If you have trusted Jesus as Savior but not been baptized, here is your opportunity to follow His command. Water baptism wonderfully pictures that you have been identified with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. Talk with Pastor Gary if you want to take part or if you just need more information.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Abby Wong is Getting Married!
Ladies! You are invited to a Bridal Shower for Abby Wong on Saturday, April 7, at 11:30AM. It will be at Mandy Amagliani's house. Abby will marry Pastor John Wesley Leek on June 9th in Pennsylvania.
Celebrate Christ's Resurrection with Us
Easter Sunday will be here before you know it. Make plans now to join us for breakfast in the fellowship hall at 8:30AM on April 1, followed by a joint Bible Study for those grades 7 and up. The morning worship service will be held at its normal time, 10:45AM.
Welcome Esther Olivia Blackburn!
Esther Olivia Blackburn made an unexpectedly early
appearance, entering this world on March 6 at 9:33PM, she weighed
5lb. 10oz. and measured 19 inches.
We rejoice with Shane and Ruth, Ethan, and Norah over this blessing from
Frank Duffy, Sr. with the Lord
Frank Duffy, Sr. passed into the presence of the Lord on
Tuesday, March 6, just three weeks before his 97th birthday. He joined Open Door on February 1,
1961, and served the Lord faithfully here over the years. A gifted singer and teacher, Frank was
always willing to do whatever was needed.
His home was a center of hospitality. He loved to speak of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for
the Church. We have been remarkably
blessed by Frank’s presence among us.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Our Annual Men’s Chili Cook Off is just three weeks away. Plan to take part on Sunday, February 18, 6PM. Entries will be judged, and the winner will take possession of the coveted Silver Spike “You Nailed it!” Award for the next 12 months. Ladies, no help is allowed in chili preparation. You can bring crackers, cheese, desserts, and other chili accompaniments.
The Tuesday night Ladies Bible Study is starting a new 12-week study using Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival. Books are available through the church office. This study starts this week at 6:45PM in Wilson Hall. Childcare is provided. In addition to learning God’s Word, it’s a great opportunity to deepen relationships with like-minded women. Come join in!
Church Health is holding the new Crosstown 10K this Saturday, February 3. The race starts and ends at Crosstown Concourse. Runners will pass Open Door soon after 8AM. We need some volunteers to pass out water to participants and to provide access to our restrooms for those cheering them on. Contact Pastor Gary today if you can help.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Ladies! Tuesday evenings at Open Door provide a wonderful time of Bible study, warm fellowship, mutual prayer, and lots of laughter and fun. Come be a part of this group at 6:45PM, meeting in Wilson Hall.
AWANA -- 2018 marks its 36th year at Open Door
AWANA is our weekly club for youth from age two through high school. It meets Sunday nights from 5:30-7PM. The time includes games, Bible study, and much more. Everyone is welcome.
Wednesday Morning Community Bible Class
Wednesday mornings at Open Door, you are invited to our Community Bible Study. People from a number of churches join together for this time. Come at 10:30AM to enjoy coffee and snacks. Our study of the Book of Daniel goes from 10:45-11:45AM. It is taught by Pastor Gary. Please note that the class will not meet on January 17.
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