Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Couples Fellowship in August

This month's gathering is at the home of Daniel and Brandy Blackburn on SATURDAY, August 25, at 5:30PM.  Theme for the dinner is Asian, and we will be discussing chapter 6 of the book.

AWANA Kicks Off Another Year on August 19!

Our weekly club for young people from age 2 through 12th grade begins a brand new year on Sunday night, August 19.  The club goes from 5:30-7PM, and there is a group for every age.  The evening includes Bible study, discipleship, and games.  Everyone is invited!


                                    Sunday night, August 5, 6PM

Bring some salad fixings and come learn about our missionaries and how we can pray for, reach out to, and encourage them. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

LeaderTreks Summer at Open Door

Open Door hosted eight different youth groups, one each week during June and July who came for an urban ministry experience led by LeaderTreks.  This is a student leadership development ministry using trips, innovative training, and biblical curriculum to help young people identify and develop their personal leadership skills.  Lauren Newman and Cassidy Fox were the LT staff members this year.  We are so thankful to be a part of this ministry.  Each Thursday, the church has been invited to enjoy a cookout and meet the students whose lives are being enhanced by their time in Memphis.